This site is not secure - Logon screen only

This site is not secure - Logon screen only

Hi, I recently installed AD Self Service and it works just fine with HTTP.
So, I tried to enable HTTPS and I generate a CSR through AD360 and issued a certificate through my local CA ( ADCS ) and uploaded the certificate, seems to work just fine.
whenever I browse to my Self Service portal through a browser, I get a working HTTPS session ( from iexplore, chrome, firefox, edge ).
The only problem is with the agent it self, when I try to press the "Reset password / Unlock account", I get the following error:

I made sure to change the "Access URL" through the Self Service management portal and to choose HTTPS, these are my settings:

Anyone ever encountered this issue?
I tried to reinstall the agent and even tried a different computer, but I get the same.
and again, it works just fine when I browse normally through a web browser.


                  New to ADSelfService Plus?