The user/system has no admin privilege

The user/system has no admin privilege

Hi everyone

I have set up ADAudit Plus on a dedicated domain-joined server and created a dedicated service user (not a member of "Domain Admins") to use as Domain Credentials.

Permissions for that service user have been set according to step 1, 2 and 4 in the Audit Permissions guide Steps 3 and 5 are not considered necessary as we don't have a "Failover Cluster" nor "File Server Auditing" in place.

Data is actually being gathered for all areas (Logon, AD, GPO's) using this dedicated service user. It does its job.

However, in the "Configured Domain" page of the Admin settings, it says: Authentication :   Error - The user/system has no admin privilege

What further permissions does this user need in order for this error to disappear?

Thanks for your support.

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?