interface GigabitEthernet0/0 ip address ******************************* ip nbar protocol-discovery ip flow ingress ip flow egress ip nat outside ip virtual-reassembly in load-interval 30 duplex auto speed auto crypto map s2s ! interface GigabitEthernet0/1 ip address ****************************** secondary ip address ****************************** ip nbar protocol-discovery ip flow ingress ip flow egress ip nat inside ip virtual-reassembly in duplex auto speed auto arp timeout 7200 ! -------------------------
my problem is :
1- in the internet facing interface destination tab (IN) shows the public ip of the interface as a destination IP address with a large data traffic , and as a reflection the local lan interface destination (OUT) shows the public ip of the interfacing interface as a destination (OUT) ? i cant determine what client receive this data ?
2- in conversation tab all the destination (OUT) of the lan interface shows the public ip address of the internet facing interface !!