Termination of patch database sync for versions lesser than 10.1.2134.1 in Vulnerability Manager Plus

Termination of patch database sync for versions lesser than 10.1.2134.1 in Vulnerability Manager Plus

Hello everyone,

This announcement is to notify you that, we are terminating the patch database sync for Vulnerability Manager Plus versions lesser than 10.1.2134.1
 by the end of May 31, 2023. Versions below 10.1.2134.1 will no longer receive patch updates since the patch database synchronization is being halted. Hence, users are requested to migrate to the latest versions, i.e. 11.2.2300.07 and above.

The deadline has been extended to December 25, 2023. Following this date, If you are using versions 10.1.2134.1 and below, you will no longer receive patch updates obe able to carry out patch deployment operations, as the patch database synchronization will be deprecated. Ensure you stay up-to-date with the latest patch updates by migrating to the latest versions as mentioned above.

Upgrade to the latest version. (for existing customers)

If you have any queries, kindly contact vulnerabilitymanagerplus-support@manageengine.com

The ManageEngine team

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