Term of the Day
Definition — What is Microlearning?
No one likes to spends hours upon hours learning the same thing over and over again. We want speed and faster learning techniques, this is where Microlearning comes in. Microlearning is a learning approach ideally suited for skills training. It involves stripping down a skill or idea to its most essential parts - and only teaching those. When compared to traditional eLearning courses which can span anywhere between 30 minutes to 45 minutes and even 1 hour in some cases, microlearning breaks courses into short 5 to 10-minute training sessions grouped under umbrella topics. It may sound like a novel concept but microlearning has been here for a while now. In fact, this learning strategy is becoming popular and being rapidly adopted across the world in both education and corporate training sectors. It is being widely used for corporate training sessions conducted for employee induction, compliance, and skill development.
It is a scientific argument that learners have limited attention spans. As a result, it is best to break complex topics into bite-sized learning modules which increases knowledge retention and learner engagement metrics.