[Term of the Day]: GIGO

[Term of the Day]: GIGO

Term of the Day


"Garbage IGarbage Out"


What is GIGO?

GIGO, the acronym for Garbage In, Garbage Out, in the context of information technology, is a slang expression that implies the quality of the output is a function of the quality of the input regardless of how accurate a program's logic is, the results will be incorrect if the input is invalid.

With more digitalization, this theory is more relevant today than it was a decade ago. If you enter inaccurate or wrong data then you have really entered garbage. Then when you want to do some queries, searches or reports, you will only get incorrect, wrong or inaccurate data out - garbage.​ Even though there are a lot of tools available to correct the data, it still can not be brought up to expected standards.

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