Term of the Day
“Digital Signature”
Definition — What is a Digital Signature?
A Digital Signature is a type of electronic signature, it goes beyond electronic versions of traditional signatures by invoking cryptographic techniques to dramatically increase security and transparency. In this digital era, organizations are using digitally signed documents instead of paper documents for day-to-day transactions or communications depending on their requirements. Digital signatures are commonly used for financial transactions, software distributions, and other areas where it is imperative to ensure that there is no breach of data or any forgery. When a person creates a digital signature, two additional encrypted files are created. These are the “private key” which stays with the signature owner, and the “public key” which is sent along with the signed document to let the recipient open it. A digital signature is like a person’s thumbprint. It is undeniable proof of that person’s identity. In addition, digital signatures are held as legally binding in many countries and hold the same value as traditional document signatures.
Try Zoho Sign a complete digital signature app for business signatories.