The term Cybersquatting, also known as domain squatting and typo squatting -- refers to the unethical practice of registering an Internet domain name and holds it with the motive of reselling it at a premium price.
Some organizations or individuals will engage in as a way to benefit from the credibility of another business. The action involves registering, selling, or using a domain name that uses or closely resembles the trademarked or registered name of an existing business.
For example, an individual may typosquat "" (missing the 'plus' in the name) in hopes of getting extra traffic from or for other purposes. Most organizations take the extra precaution and register the domain before someone can typosquat it and redirect visitors who mistyped the domain to the proper domain. However, every possible typo or misspelling cannot be accounted for, and it can be expensive to register every possible misspelling of a domain.