[Term of the Day]: Crisis Management

[Term of the Day]: Crisis Management

Term of the Day 

Crisis Management 


Definition — What is Crisis Management?

The word crisis comes from the Greek word “krisis”, which means a crucial decision in the event of a crisis. Crisis management is defined as the process undertaken by any organization to prevent, prepare for, and respond to events that threaten to harm people or property, seriously interrupt operations, damage reputation, or impact the bottom line. The Crisis comes in every conceivable form — natural disasters, data breaches, terrorism, or, as we’re seeing now, the deadly pandemic. The COVID-19 can be expected to become a textbook example of crisis management. Businesses around the world were forced to shut their doors. Millions of employees were sent home. Essential services struggled to function.


No organization is immune to a potential crisis. Crisis management is essentially about making a plan, one that anticipates the unpredictability of world events and your organization's dependability. In short, a solid crisis management plan expects the unexpected, so make sure your organization is ready to respond the right way, fast. If you can connect those dots, make risk reduction and quick reactions part of your organization's everyday life, you’ll set the stage for crisis management success.

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