Telegram notifications of created requests

Telegram notifications of created requests

Hi all!
Because of my problem with mobileapp notifications I decided to apply to my system a telegram notifications. And hope that it is not so far from SD update where we could connect to other messengers :)
It's not prettend to be whole mine code, but it's solved significant problem for me and could help anybody too. I use Windows example, but you can do it also at Linux (take your own paths)
So, what you will need for plug-n-play (anyway almostly everything is commented inside the files):
1. Python v2.7.14
2. At cmd window "pip install requests"
3. Change settings on your own at ""
4. Place both scripts "" and "" to  C:\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\integration\custom_scripts
5. Go to the SD admin panel - Admin - Custom Triggers - add new trigger (you can take my options at attached screenshot)

6. Add "cmd /c C:\Python27\python.exe $COMPLETE_JSON_FILE" (for linux it could be just "py $COMPLETE_JSON_FILE" )
7. Create a ticket and watch a result.

Hope it will be helpful!
Have a nice SD!

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