I am running latest build of OpUtils (5619) on Windows 2008 x32 server. All is working well, except on switch port mapper, on ports where switch is connected to switch (uplink) I see entry for a computer that is connected to that port, resulting in multiple IP entries in the IP Address Manager.
Example: Computer A is connected to switch 1 on port 10, switch 1 is connected to switch 2 on port 12, switch 2 is connected to switch 3 on port 5.
I see computer A on all switches in the port mapper (A on sw.1 port 10, A on sw. 2 port 12 and A on sw. 3 port 5), and I also see all these entries on the IP Address Manager. Is there a way to tell the Switvh Port Mapper to take the proper information and report that it is switch to switch connection and list the IP/MAC of the switch, not to see the client computers ?