Suppress only particular type of alarm of a single device

Suppress only particular type of alarm of a single device


I got a HP 3PAR device in my network and is added as managed device in OpManager 12.

According to OpManager 3PAR device is generating Virtual Volume removed/added alarm. This happens for all the VVs in 3PAR every now and then. This is some sort of internal operation within 3PAR, not an issue. But OpManager raises alarm for these events. It just gets accummulated and filled in database without any specific counter action required. I want to suppress this particular type of alarm only. But it seems OpManager supports suppressing alarm for the whole device only. If I do that, I won't be getting valid alarms as well. I tried to find the monitor which is causing this alarm, but there doesn't seem to be a monitor for this alarm.

So, is there anything I can do for what I am looking for?


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