SupportCenter - Debian (squeeze)

SupportCenter - Debian (squeeze)

I'm running Debian (squeeze) and cannot seem to get SupportCenter to run. I have attempted to get it going on two machines at this point and 'both' have failed with the same message leading me to believe there is definitely an issue at this point. When I do sh the error is as follows:

Server is starting. This may take a couple of minutes ...
Could not create connection; - nested throwable: (java.sql.SQLException: Unable to connect to any hosts due to exception: Network is unreachable); - nested throwable: (org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException: Could not create connection; - nested throwable: (java.sql.SQLException: Unable to connect to any hosts due to exception: Network is unreachable))

Debian (squeeze) Kernel 2.6.32-3
This is a console based install, no gui.
I have tried both as a user and as root, neither works.

I try to do a sh --console and get:
requestScheme is http
requestScheme is http
requestScheme is http

I do an sh and get:
.: 4: not found

To me this seems like something wrong fundamentally with how the app is trying to execute but not knowing how it's all put together in terms of the guts, I couldn't begin to speculate confidently on that. Anyhow. Any assistance anyone can provide with this would be very appreciated.

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