Supportcenter API documentation

Supportcenter API documentation

Hi SC,

I have seen that there is some very basic details on how the API works.  We need to know what this is capable of before investing in the Enterprise licence to get the API added.

As far as I know the plan is aware we need to use a Sales based CRM package to be able to make calls to SC to add new accounts and people etc and then expand this capability from there.

We obviously have the developers from the CRM package keen to help out but it seems to be a matter of buying the API and then seeing if it will do what you want as I can't find any technical docs or examples of code required to use the API, or more importantly, what it is capable of.

Our ManageEngine sales rep keeps saying that he will go to you to find out more and we get the base sales docs, we need to be able to see something that will give us value add and a reason to upgrade.

Can you drop me something across please?



                  New to ADSelfService Plus?