Support Rep login report

Support Rep login report


A request has been put forward for a report to show when a support rep has been logged into the system for a certain date period. Information we would like to capture is the following

Business Unit (would like to be able to select which business unit to run the report on)
Support Rep Name
date/time stamp for log on and log off (would like to be able to select a date range)

I have one already have one but does not show the above

select aas.session_id "SessionID", "User Name", aas.user_host "User Host", aas.application_host "Application Host",longtodate(aas.opentime) "Start Time", longtodate(aas.closetime) "End Time", aas.status "Status" from AaaAccSession aas left join aaalogin aal on aas.account_id=aal.login_id

Thanks in advance

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