Support Group Notification Usability -- Preventing Replies

Support Group Notification Usability -- Preventing Replies

I'm wondering if others have the same issue:

We have a total of 85 technicians, many of which are not direct support (ex. developers, QA techs, etc.), which means they don't look at SDP the entire day, they only go there when something prompts them to do so.

That alert comes in the form of an email from SDP and, in some cases, we need to notify several different types of individuals that a new resquest has come in or has not been picked up.

Here's the issue: The email notification makes it too easy to abandon SDP and move to email as the primary tool.  So, when they should be using the notification to indicate that they need to go to SDP to pick up the ticket, they instead fire off a Reply All,which, in turn causes one or more techs to start a conversation and we lose site of who has ownership of the ticket.

While this is a workflow issue and training issue, there are a couple of thoughts around how SDP might better handle notifications:

If you've already solved this, please help.

Some thoughts:
1. Could we have the option to bcc the individuals?
2. Could we have the option of sending from another address (such as a noreply)?
{See attached as an example.}

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