support center some questions

support center some questions

we recently started using support center as helpdesk system,, we have some questions 

·         Hold ticket resolution filed

o   We can put ticket to hold but without comment to explain why, how we can add comments when put ticket in hold status?

·         Customize resolution filed

o   When we close the ticket we can only add resolution in text box, if possible we can some fields like RCA, reference, steps , ETC

·         SAL response time filed needed

o   In SLA we need to add another section called response time (as we have already resolution time)

·         Logo in signature

o   We need to add in help desk default signature company logo (two business units)

·         Change public name to ABC / i4 direct links

o   We need to change the public (global) name and set name for each business unit for example and and each one point to its tickets.

·         Sending emails from two email address each one for separate business unit we can receive emails from two email and but sending only from one email 

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