Suggestions for OpUtils

Suggestions for OpUtils

I have a few suggestions for modifications and feature enhancements I'd like to make.

Config File Manager
Save the config files with a file name format of "year-month-date-time" (all numerical) rather than the current format of "Month_day_year_hour_minute_second."  For instance, the file name of one of my recent config file backups is "Jul_15_2013_10_34_33."  I think that should be "2013-07-15-103433."  This would make sorting the file names by order and finding the file you want much easier.  As it is now, they are alphabetical by month rather than sequential.

Add a way to quickly clean out old config files from within OpUtils.  Give options such as before a certain date, older than a certain amount of time, for all switches, etc.  Maybe even be able to schedule it. Such as, schedule all config files older than 1 year be deleted at the first of every month.

Bandwidth Monitor
In addition to the preset reports of Last Hour, Last Day, Last Month, and Last Year, add the option for a custom time span.  For instance, maybe I want to see the last 3 days, or the last 6 hours, or only the traffic between 8:00am and 5:00pm for Monday through Friday of last week, etc.

Ping Scan
Add an option to delete all addresses currently listed in the Ping Scan.  And/or increase the "View per page" number to 255 or greater.

Add the ability to stop a current scan.  Sometimes a scheduled Switch Port Mapper scan will get hung up - I don't know if it's an issue with OpUtils or the switch it is scanning.   The only way to stop it is to stop the OpUtils process and restart it.  It would be great if I could stop a scan from within the OpUtils GUI without having to restart the whole service.

I'd like to see additional data collected from my Cisco switches and generate alerts based on that info.  Such as generate an alert if CPU percentage reaches 75%.

Thank you!

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