Subject not converted char utf8 with custom scripts powershell

Subject not converted char utf8 with custom scripts powershell

After applying service pack 14503, scripts written in Powershell do not properly edit the subject and description fields. This means that Polish characters are not displayed correctly. For example: ąąąććć

My script:

param (
[string]$json = $(throw "-json is required.")

$jsonContent = Get-Content $json -Encoding UTF8
$jsonContent | Set-Content -Encoding UTF8 Test.txt
$jsonContent = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $jsonContent

$requestid = $

$apikey = xxx
$urlSDP = xxx

$header = @{ }
$header.add("authtoken", $apikey)

[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true};

function updateRequest() {
$url = $sdpurl + "/api/v3/requests/" + $id
$header = @{ }
$header.add("authtoken", $apikey)
$body = @{ }
$body.add("input_data", $json)
$result = invoke-restmethod -method PUT -uri $url -headers $header -body $body -contenttype application/x-www-form-urlencoded
return $result
$inputData = @{
request = @{
subject = "ąąąććć"
} | convertto-json -depth 10
$result = updateRequest -id $requestid -sdpurl $urlSDP -apikey $apikey -json $inputData

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