SSH tool/telnet tool icon for accessing Asset

SSH tool/telnet tool icon for accessing Asset

Currently in SDPMSP, in the Request/View request  page of a request.  In the "Request Detail" section, at the "Asset" field, you provide the option to click on a couple of ICONS to get more detail relating to the Asset. 

One option allows you to dive down into the Asset Detail page which is great!  However, the second ICON is remote control which I assume is for remote controlling a PC during a support session.   Are there any plans to add a telnet or ssh tool to accommodate remote "Command Line" ssh or telnet session that will allow the technician to log into a server, switch or router asset?

This would be great for customer like ourselves who have many unix hosts, switches, routers that are only configured for remote access through ssh or telnet.   Thinking more about data center assets here than just desktops/pc, etc..

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