sql subquery

sql subquery

Im trying to make a user-query.

SELECT type, count(*) FROM (SELECT aaov.NAME as ploshadka, productType.COMPONENTTYPENAME as type, aaov.NAME as ploshadka2 FROM Resources resource LEFT JOIN ComponentDefinition product ON resource.COMPONENTID=product.COMPONENTID LEFT JOIN ComponentType productType ON product.COMPONENTTYPEID=productType.COMPONENTTYPEID LEFT JOIN ResourceLocation resLocation ON resource.RESOURCEID=resLocation.RESOURCEID LEFT JOIN SiteDefinition siteDef ON resLocation.SITEID=siteDef.SITEID LEFT JOIN SDOrganization aaov ON siteDef.SITEID=aaov.ORG_ID ORDER BY 1) as Type group by type

query s working fine with a direct db insert, but give

net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRValidationException: Report design not valid : 
1. Field not found : null
2. Field not found : null
3. Class not set for group expression : Bynull
4. Class not set for text field expression.
and etc

in sdesk

whats wrong?
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