Soon-to-Expire User Passwords report for multi-domain environment

Soon-to-Expire User Passwords report for multi-domain environment

I keep getting bounced back to this article and I hope that someone can point me in the right direction.

I have setup a report to run when the user accounts are soon to expire, however, this report only pulls information from one domain, not the 2nd one on premise.  Is there a specific way that I should setup this report to run to include both domains (that works)? 

Thank you

Soon-to-Expire User Passwords

Provides the details of the users whose password will expire within the specified number of days. This is determined based on the value contained in the userAccountControl attribute of the Active Directory.

To view the report, click the Soon-to-Expire User Passwords link available under the Password Based Reports category.

By default, the users whose passwords will expire in another seven days is shown. You can select a different period to view the report. Clicking a user from the report displays the complete information of that user.      

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