Software report with WHERE condition

Software report with WHERE condition

Hi, i have a sql to show software on my computers, but i need to show only specific soft (for example Office 2019%) or show all software on computers who has specified name (for example zdiz%). Below my sql question.
Please help me with WHERE condition

SELECT ( systeminfo.workstationname )  "Workstation",
       ( net.ipaddress )               "IP Address",
       ( softl.softwarename )          "Software Name",
       ( softwarelicenses.licensekey ) "LicenseKey" FROM   softwareinfo
       LEFT JOIN softwarelist softl
              ON softwareinfo.softwareid = softl.softwareid
       LEFT JOIN softwaretype
              ON Softl.softwaretypeid = softwaretype.softwaretypeid
       LEFT JOIN systeminfo
              ON softwareinfo.workstationid = systeminfo.workstationid
       LEFT JOIN resources resource
              ON systeminfo.workstationid = resource.resourceid
       LEFT JOIN networkinfo net
              ON softwareinfo.workstationid = net.workstationid
       LEFT JOIN resources ress
              ON softwareinfo.licenseid = ress.resourceid
       LEFT JOIN softwarelicenses
              ON ress.resourceid = softwarelicenses.resourceid
WHERE .......?????
order BY 1

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