I am trying to configure SNMP in adventnet. And followed the below steps
1. Installed SNMP in fedora 8 and checked the service using snmpwalk -v1 -c <string> command -worked fine
2. Port 161 is listening "netstat -lun | grep 161" udp 0 0*
3. Allowed UDP port 161 in plesk firewall for the adventnet machine
3. But when i configure in adventnet i get "service port 161 is not accessible"
4. I have uploaded the logs in http://bonitas.zohocorp.com/customer_uploads/2011_2_2_10_32_6_meam_logs_Feb_2_2011_0_15_17.zip.gz and screen shot for you reference.
Please let me know the exact reason why i get this error, it will be helpful if you copy the error message which is in your logs along with reply to this mail.