SMTP setting with Office365

SMTP setting with Office365


Can anyone assist with the Outgoing mail settings of ServiceDeskPlus to connect to an Office365 mailbox?
I've tried to send notification after entering the settings below but their settings are not working.

I am using the following:

Server Name:
Alternate Server Name: blank
Senders Name: ServiceDesk
Reply-to Address: same as Incoming address
Email Type: SMTP
TLS Enabled: Yes
Port: 587
Requires Authentication: Selected
Username and Password Set

When trying to send an email I get an error: Sending Notification failed.
And there is a log under SystemLog: Exception while trying to send notification for Request ID : 25037 Mail sending failed.

I made sure that I could send email from the PC on the same network with the same account.

Any help/advice would be appreciated!


                  New to ADSelfService Plus?