Simplify BYOD Management with Apple User Enrollment in MDM

Simplify BYOD Management with Apple User Enrollment in MDM

In today's digital age, companies are increasingly embracing the concept of a BYOD policy (Bring Your Own Device). By allowing employees to work on their personal devices, they are granted the flexibility to work from anywhere and anytime. A big challenge in managing employees' personal device (BYOD) is managing corporate data without compromising their privacy. Mobile Device Manager Plus provides you with a solution to tackle this scenario by leveraging Apple's User Enrollment method.

Apple User Enrollment is a feature introduced in iOS 16.0 and later, aimed at simplifying the management of personally-owned devices without invading user privacy. It enables a distinct workspace on the device intended for corporate data. This separation is essential to maintain corporate data security and meet the compliance requirements.
By implementing User Enrollment, organizations can achieve a harmonious and secure mobile environment by effectively managing devices for work-related purposes while ensuring user privacy. Learn more about User Enrollment here and try it out today!

Note: This feature is available on MDM On-Premises from builds 10.1.2307.1 and above. For more information about service packs and hotfixes or to upgrade to the latest build, click here.

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