[Tips & Tricks] Simple way to search requests submitted by a specific requester

[Tips & Tricks] Simple way to search requests submitted by a specific requester

Dear Users,

I've come up with a simple trick to search requests submitted by a specific requester.

Let us consider this scenario, you are in an urge to search a request submitted by a user or you often search requests by requesters, this has to be done by column filtering (requester name). Also, this would be a challenge if requester's name is mistyped.

This simple trick would help you save some time and search requests pretty easily. All you got to do is, click new request and type in few letters of requester's name and choose the user once the name is populated and click "Show Requests by Requester" and you can search for any status type requests using the search filter. Below GIF explains the same.

I hope this simple method helps many users searching requests by requesters. Cheers!

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