Simple Powershell Script to Add the Disabled Date in the Description Field

Simple Powershell Script to Add the Disabled Date in the Description Field


I am fairly new to scripting and I am attempting to build a simple PowerShell script to add the date an account was disabled into the description field. I have the script listed in the Disable policy as follows:

powershell C:\ManageEngine\ADManager Plus\bin\SetDescriptionDisabledDate.ps1 -Arg1 %username%

This is what I have for the script:

#Importing Module
Import-Module Activedirectory

#Get Current Date
$str=Get-date -Format d

#Set the description to read the current date the account is disabled

Set-ADUser -Identity $Arg1 -Description "$str Disabled"

AD Manage Engine tells me that the script runs successfully but it fails to enter anything into the Description field.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


                  New to ADSelfService Plus?