SharePoint Manager Plus build 4500 released!

SharePoint Manager Plus build 4500 released!

Hello Everybody!
We are glad to announce the release of SharePoint Manager Plus' latest build–4500. The new build supports the following:

  1. The public key certificate for service pack upgrade has been updated.
  2. The event selector in the Microsoft 365 Audit Search report has been enhanced for better usability.
Issues Fixed:
  1. An issue in accessing the product after service pack upgrade if keystore password is encrypted in older builds has been fixed.
  2. An issue in adding an AD help desk technician when using MS SQL as the backend database has been fixed.
  3. An issue in loading the Home tab when Reverse Proxy is enabled has been fixed.
  4. An issue in displaying the email in Microsoft 365 Users report has been fixed.
  5. An issue in generating all sites for the Lists, Lists Items, and Permissions reports has been fixed.
  6. An issue that prevented the Schedule Reports page from loading has been fixed.
  7. An issue in syncing the audit data when day light saving time system setting is enabled has been fixed.

How to update?
Update using service pack.
New to SharePoint Manager Plus?
Download the fully functional free trial now.

SharePoint Manager Plus Team
Direct Inward Dialing: +1-408-454-4213

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