Hi all,
I am currently frustrated:
Before a SW installation I need to modify a specific registry key.
I cannot create a "Configuration Collection" with Regsitry-Config + "Install SW" because There is no "Install SW" in collections. :(
(By the way - why not??)
So I tried pre-deployment action:
I can only CHECK for a key, but I cannot modify it! :(
So I created a batch-script with content:
reg.exe add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration" /v UpdateUrl /t REG_SZ /d "my-test-value" /f
But it does not change the registry key!
There is no error that says that pre-deployment activity failed!
I can run the batch-file on my client and it DOES change the registry correctly.
Why does it not work in pre-install action? :/