Set naming format in user creation template with creation rules and duplicate check?

Set naming format in user creation template with creation rules and duplicate check?

I know that I can set attributes with a creation rule within a user creation template and also set the naming format based on country settings. But how does it work with duplicates if I use a creation rule?

To bring some background information, we are a global company and each country has its own naming format.
For example, users in USA have us-xxxxxx as their SamAccountName, users in France has fr-xxxxxx as their SamAccountName.
On top of this, we have a six step naming format for each country to resolve duplicates.
Since we have 28 countries, this means that we have 28 x 6 naming formats for the countries and duplicate rules.

Is it possible to only create one user creation template with creation rules to check which country are set on the user and then also get the naming format AND duplicate check to work?
For example, if the country provided is France, use naming format "France naming format" with duplicate control up to step 6 (France naming format step2 - step6 are different naming format rules).
Set the address and other information, add account to specific groups for France etc etc.

If it is possible, we can use 1 template for user creation instead of 28 different templates based on the country.

Do I have to add all the naming format rules into the duplicate check or is it controlled in the creation rules?
What is the best way to handle this?

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