Session timeouts and random issues in Requester / Technician login's

Session timeouts and random issues in Requester / Technician login's

As around 20 to 30 customers have so far reported these issues, I am just moving this to a new forum post where updates on this issue can be easily tracked. 

As on 9th May


In the past week we have seen customers report this kind of issue in their environments. The reported places include,
  • Unable to create requests from a requester login. Trying to fill the form after refreshing works.
  • Unable to reply to a request
  • Unable to add notes
  • Unable to edit a request 
and a few other places as well. In all these cases the issue happens randomly and in no particular order. In most of the cases, a reload of the action solves the issue. Customers have also reported this to happen in IE and Chrome as well. Also in most of the environments reported, SSO has been enabled.

Having analyzed the logs, we are able to see that the user session has been lost midway. There could be two cases here,
  1. When the user is viewing a page and the session gets lost or invalidated in the background, and when the user clicks on a link, authentication would be required again. When Keep me signed in or SSO is enabled, login happens automatically and the user has no issues in seeing the requested page.
  2. When the user is about to submit a form and the session gets lost before he does it, then authentication happens the same way as above but the post parameters would be lost during authentication and hence an error would be thrown after re-authenticating the user. 
This is after analyzing the logs got from our customers. We have been unable to reproduce this in our test environments. We are working on finding the reason behind the session getting invalidated automatically. In the meantime we are also analyzing options on re-directing the users to the home page when such an issue occurs instead of the current way of displaying the error or freezing the page. 

As we are not able to reproduce this in our setup's any further observation's from the customer's side on when this happens in their environment would be welcome. We would also like to have answers for the below questions,
  1. Does it happen across browsers?
  2. Does in happen to Requesters as well as Technicians?
  3. Is SSO enabled in your environment?
  4. From which build you started seeing more of this issue?
  5. When the issue happens, is the login screen shown again?
  6. Is the issue getting resolved on reloading the page and performing the action again?
Our sincere apologies for this issue. We will keep you posted about the happenings.

Shanmugam PL

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