ServiceDesk Plus MSP Upcoming End-of-Life of Request V1 APIs and 10528 Build release Important Update

ServiceDesk Plus MSP Upcoming End-of-Life of Request V1 APIs and 10528 Build release Important Update

Dear Customers,

Today we are announcing the End-of-life (EOL) from 10.6 version (which is due post Oct'21)  for V1 APIs. From that date forward, any upcoming releases will not have access to the V1 Request APIs. All clients and integrations based on V1 will stop working unless they are updated to use the latest V3 version of the APIs mentioned below.

We strongly recommend moving to the new version of APIs for all cases where the operations are supported in the newer V3 APIs.

Scope of the EOL Announcement

Note that only the above operations are being EOL-ed. 

Impacted Areas

Any external products, web clients, or desktop applications that are integrated into ServiceDesk Plus MSP via the V1 APIs would be impacted (particularly integrations that use the Request API). 

Within ServiceDesk Plus MSP,  APIs may be used in several places where we have scripting support. You may need to check and update these places too: 

Custom Triggers.
Brules Scripts
FAFR scripts
Custom schedules
Custom Menu
Request Life cycles -> Scripts section

Note: After the deprecation, in Custom Trigger and Custom Menu commands the $COMPLETE_JSON_FILE argument will not work. Please use the $COMPLETE_V3_JSON_FILE argument instead which will provide the input in V3 API format.

Please note, We released SDP MSP - 10528 today with the latest corresponding V3 API's and the API documentation is bundled in the application. Please refer to Admin -> API -> Documentation for the same in the 10528 upgraded setup.

Enhancements in 10528

  • SDPMSP-16215: REST API v3 support for operations on requests and the associated entities, namely notes, attachments, resolutions, approvals, tasks, and worklogs.
Corresponding V3 API documentation is available in the below link:

2. Goto Admin -> API -> Documentation and Click the Requests to view V3 API's 

You can contact our support at for any clarifications.

Santhosh V
ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP Team

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