ServiceDesk Plus Community Digest - Sep 14, 2016.

ServiceDesk Plus Community Digest - Sep 14, 2016.

Happy Thursday, PitStoppers!

The past fortnight has been awesome at so many levels. We saw many of you discussing interesting product features, helping yourselves get your issues fixed, and much more. For those of you who missed an awesome fortnight at PitStop, fret not, for we bring you all the action wrapped in this digest. Read on and relive the amazing fortnight.

At the Podium:

MKR@SDPAdmins is at the podium for the third consecutive week with 132 points.

Boot Camp:

Boot Camp, as you know is a series of quizzes that test a user's familiarity with various modules of ServiceDesk Plus. This month, Boot Camp focuses on asset management. Get onboard with several other ServiceDesk Plus users and evaluate your asset management skills.

Most discussed:

One of the most hotly discussed issue was  the ServiceDesk Plus and Slack integration. Jaianand, our technical manager helped users with a sample script and explained its working mechanism through custom triggers.

Users speak:

-> It was wonderful to see Dan, one of the new star users of ServiceDesk Plus passionately help Andrew hide certain fields to requesters using field and form rules. A huge round of applause to you, Dan.

-> Lloyd Lawrence's quick resolution helped Chris White make Email Commands Work brilliantly. Thank you, Lloyd, we'll need your expertise more often in the days to come.

-> lk_lad's useful response helped Randy Singh, who looked to mandate resolution during request closure. Way to go Ik_lad.

-> MKR@SDPAdmin's configuration to close all resolved tickets is what we call the smart admin's way to a clean service desk.

Experts speak:

-> Dan Fonseka received the best guidance from Umashankar, our director of engineering, in listing technicians as part of the requesters.

-> Mohammad Golam Rabbany requested for an interesting feature, visibility of the reason for SLA violation. Jaianand helped him meet this requirement with a sample script. Please keep those interesting requests coming in, Mohammad.

-> A quick configuration helped Acazarez resolve the URL alias duplication in the survey links.


How-to videos:

Our short how-to videos help you use ServiceDesk Plus to its full potential.

Product News:

ServiceDesk Plus version 9227 has released. Check if you are in the latest version and upgrade to enjoy all the new features and enhancements.

That's all we have for you this fortnight, PitStoppers! Visit sdpdigest to view previous digests.

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