Service Request workflow - Approver is in a different "department" than requesters

Service Request workflow - Approver is in a different "department" than requesters

The approver of this service has a very specific overlap with the department the requesters are in.

We have an operations department. Employees there will request a data change. One kind of Data change is approved by their department head, the Director of Operations. The other kind is approved by a VP of Accreditation. This VP is in charge specifically of this kind of data change. In this respect she is the supervisor of the Director of operations, but in reality the VP of Accreditation is in a different department.

I have 2 questions:
1) How can I do this with the current structure of Service Requests? Can I create a relationship between the departments to make this work?
2) Why can we not just directly assign a user as the Approver in a workflow?

To that extent I would like to put in a Feature Request for my 2nd question. I would like to add a feature where we can either specify specific department heads or specific users/requesters to be the approver in a workflow.

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