Service Catalog Request Close_Request Rest API

Service Catalog Request Close_Request Rest API


Is there a CLOSE_REQUEST for Services and not Incidents?
When i try to use CLOSE_REQUEST Rest API Call as the guide states

  1. Close Request

    To close a request, the URL is given as: 

    http://<servername>:<port number>/sdpapi/request/<request id>


    Assume the Request ID to close is 25, then the URL is given as: http://localhost:8080/sdpapi/request/25

I can close fine Incidents opened, but not Service Requests.

I get a response 

  1. <operation name="PUT">
    <message>Error when getting request details for request - 3 - Operation is not supported for service request</message>

Is there another Operation Method iam missing for Closing Service Requests?

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?