Service Catalog Get logged in user's account

Service Catalog Get logged in user's account

I am currently trying to get the logged in user's account using this Field and Form rule script:

var user_id = $CS.getLoggedInUserId();
type: 'GET',
url: './sdpapi/admin/requester/' + user_id,
cache: false,
data: {'format':'json'},
success: function(user_data){
   console.log("Account: " + user_data.operation.details[0].account); 
error: function(response){
   throw response.responseText;

However, this will only work on technician side. If I want this to work on the requester side, it'll require me to expose a TECHNICIAN_KEY which will be a security risk. I need this to run some rules depending on the logged in user's account.

Is there any other method that I can use?

                New to ADSelfService Plus?