We are looking for implementation of a OpManager as a monitoring system.
We have some monitoring requirements that are vital for us.
Can you please give us information does OpManager provides features like:
1.Monitoring CPU and process on a server in order to give us detailed statistic how many CPU % is used by each processor in real time or at least of 5 seconds period of time.
2.Does OpManager can perform Server network utilization based on the bandwidth of the NIC adapter and the packets that are tx/rx in real time.
3. Monitoring the network traffic per protocol in a real time.
4. Can all services performance be monitored on 1-to-5 seconds period of time on a server
5.Monitor memory usage based on processes on 1-5 second basis.
We need to have server monitoring which gives us detailed information which service/process consumes how many CPU,Memory, Network, disk I/O in same period of time , and that statistics to show the information for each 5 seconds or less.
Does Opmanager will work or we need Applications manager? Can application manager monitor custom applications?