Self-service portal - how to show all templates to requesters from different account

Self-service portal - how to show all templates to requesters from different account


I have set up MSP for my organisation where different departments have their own accounts.
While trying to set up a self-service portal I can't create it in a way that requesters are able to see templates not associated with their account, nor can I personalize such templates with fields typical for a department.

What I am aiming for is:
- requester can see all templates associated with service categories from all accounts (or selected ones)
- incident templates have their fields filled automatically (support group, category, technician etc.), like you can do using account specific template

Possible solutions?

If the requesters are able to switch account (like technicians can - between accounts they are associated with) and see different service catalogues for them - that would be okay too.

Best regards,

Version: SD+ MSP 9.2 (9204)

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