SDP Cloud Version

SDP Cloud Version

I have many questions I need your help with please. I am using SDP Cloud version now and I saw there is a few differences.

1. How to add the “Approvers” and “Backup Approvers” for every template I want? From my searches I read that is from the “Delegation” can be done but I wonder if I can get the steps so I can follow to make it done.

2. Before there was “getDescription” option when I was using “Execute Script” to give the users the option to write their comments + all the values the users chooses from the additional fields they selected or wrote which I added them using script to show in the “description” when the user click on “submit” without removing his comment and keep only the script I made. Such as the example below:

var description_content=$CS.getDescriptiond();

var issueA =$CS.getValue("WorkOrder_Fields_UDF_CHR3"):

var enter2= “<br><br>”;

var new description_content = description_content + enter2 + issueA;




Thank you.

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