Script Monitor shows no output in the output file, but still calls it a PASS

Script Monitor shows no output in the output file, but still calls it a PASS

I have a custom perl script which monitors a custom application.   AppManager reports is as passing, but there's a couple problems.

First, in the output file I created, there's no output.  I tried to tail -f the file, thinking that the data was removed prior to the next poll, but nothing ever shows up there.

When run in a unix shell the ouput is simply:
OK: All services are up=1    (I added the 1 thinking that's what it would match on after the delimiter.)

Second, no matter what value I put in the "String Attributes", there's no returned value.   It always reports "no value returned"

I'm sure the two problems are related, but I can't have the AppManager always reporting that the script is passing, if there's no data to indicate a pass.

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