Running Event Log Analyzer as a Service in SUSE Linux 10.1

Running Event Log Analyzer as a Service in SUSE Linux 10.1

When EventLog Analyzer is installed and set to run as a Service in SUSE Linux 10.1 you will find that EventLog does NOT automatically run as a service after at boot time nor is it started correctly at the end of the installation.

There is a problem the way EventLog is treated by SUSE Linux to run as a Service by not being able to establish a correct run level.
Rather than execute the shell script run every time you reboot it is easier to correct the service by assigning it a Run Level.

Eventlog is placed in the list of services that run SUSE Linux, however it seems to only partially by executed.

Manually executing run will respond by the error indicating a dirty service shut down before it correctly executes.

You can correct this by

Make sure that Eventlog is not partially running by executing the script. You will probable receive an error response and backtrace.

Open 'Yast' > Open 'System' > Open 'System Services'

In simple mode locate the service 'eventloganalyzer'

Change to Expert Mode and allocate run levels 3 and 5.
Next start the service and you should receive a success response - 0

Finish and save you changes.

Every time you re-boot the PC running Eventlog the service will now be correctly executed at boot.

There should be no other changes now warranted and the service will reliably start every time correctly.

I have already written a thread about opening the SUSE Firewall in 10.1, however this will change in 10.2 as there are big changes coming to the firewall interface which is actually a statefull packet filter engine. It works under the preface that it allows ALL outbound traffic, but restricts ALL inbound traffic whilst always maintaining state full packet inspection.

You can contact me if you have problems with SUSE Linux and EventLog. I can probably solve you issues with these 2 applications but please don't ask me about other issues regarding SUSE Linux

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