Run-Time Error Running ConfigureODBC.vbs (Windows Script Host)

Run-Time Error Running ConfigureODBC.vbs (Windows Script Host)


On a Windows XP workstation is installed the program EventLog Analyzer 6.1 Build 6010. The program usually works correctly.

Sometimes, more or less once a week, appears on the screen an error message related to the VBS script ConfigureODBC.vbs:

Script: <Path_of_EventLog_Analyzer_Folder>\Bin

Row: 124
Character: 2
Error: Permission Denied
Code: 800A0046
Source: Run-time error of Microsoft VBScript

I checked the code of the script ConfigureODBC.vbs and the error appears to be related to the following line of code: fso.CopyFile DriverFile, SysFolder

I think the problem is because the file DriverFile already exists in the SysFolder folder and therefore the copy is unsuccessful. Would it be possible to modify the script code ConfigureODBC.vbs as follows:

If not fso.FileExists(SysFolder & "myodbc3.dll") then
   fso.CopyFile DriverFile, SysFolder
End If

Thank you very much,


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