I have an application that needs updating frequently. Unfortunately is does not uninstall cleanly and needs to have a batch file to clean up after it and to check for other things.
So I have a batch file the runs the uninstall if necessary, cleans up the garbage left behind, runs the new install and then runs other commands necessary. This all works fine when run manually as a domain\administrator account.
The Batch exists on the network along with the executables and other files needed. To make things worse, every new update the batch file and files have to be tweaked.
I have tried running it as a "custom script", "Launch application" and "install application" as both user and computer configurations.
All unsuccessful on a mix of windows 7, windows 8.1 and windows 10.
Am I missing something, is this possible to run a script or batch file as a domain\administrator account on every computer ? ( local user logged in or not ).
I would appreciate any info, I have been on this for weeks, have searched the forums and still have not found a working solutions to run the batch file successfully.
Steven R