Routing Ticket Based on User Location and/or Category

Routing Ticket Based on User Location and/or Category

I would like to Route ticket submitted in the portal based on user location and issue category.

Below is my situation.

2 Locations

5 Tech
      2 Techs are in the Chicago Location
      3 Techs are in the Denver Location

      100 users are in the Chicago Location
      100 users are in the Denver location.


Can this be done? Maybe in a filter view?

1.       Ticket submitted in the portal should route to the group of Techs that are of the same location of the submitting user. Than one Tech would take ownership of said ticket?

2.       Unless the Ticket is categorized as a Shipping Problem then it should be routed to all techs no matter what location they are in. Than one tech would take ownership of said ticket?

3.       Also would like to have all Tech search all tickets no matter what location they are in?

Thank you


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