Roming users

Roming users

Hello, we have the free Desktop central version (using it for 13 laptops) in various home office locations. We have no AD/DC, no distributed server etc. We are using the cloud version. Trying to install new computers (Latops 11, 12 and 13) they cannot communicate with the cloud DC website/portal we use to manage everything.  Chat support is telling us that we need a DS (we only have 1 default remote office setup), then they tell us we need all computers to work with a domain, then another one tells us in order to make DC work, all devices need to be on the same network, then the next one tells us we need to upgrade to a paid version (sales is questioning that because free version is up to 25 agents)...

We checked all AV setting, whitelisted DC apps, created additional FW rules etc etc.. nothing works. We sent the logs to DC support (no answer for almost 2 weeks now)... and we are stuck. All our laptops have the same standard configuration using win 10 Pro, so that should not be the issue.

Any ideas? Is there a limit that with the free cloud version you can only have 10 roaming agents? Anything changed recently with the service delivery or Terms that doe snot allow us add roaming agents that connect directly to the cloud?

Thank you for any suggestions/answers etc.

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?