[Resource] Threat intelligence with STIX/TAXII threat feeds

[Resource] Threat intelligence with STIX/TAXII threat feeds

Free solution brief: How EventLog Analyzer alerts you about malicious entities by processing the latest threat intelligence from STIX/TAXII threat feeds.

Threat intelligence is organized information about potential or current attacks that threaten an organization, which helps them identify threats and make informed decisions on how to deal with them. The STIX and TAXII protocols are global standards to express and communicate threat intelligence, respectively. They help provide unified, high quality threat intelligence to organizations all over the globe.

EventLog Analyzer processes prominent threat feeds based on the STIX/TAXII protocols, and checks your network logs for malicious IPs, URLs, and domains. This feature is preconfigured and doesn't require any additional setup.

Learn more about how you can prevent incoming or outgoing connections with malicious third parties with our  STIX/TAXII solution brief.

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