Request Unintentionally Deleted...bug?

Request Unintentionally Deleted...bug?

While looking at a Request this morning, I clicked the Edit button in the body of the request so I could change the Title...

When I clicked Edit, it did not make the Title editable.  So, I scrolled down and clicked the Cancel button...

Then, when the screen refreshed, I clicked the Edit button in the menu bar...

Nothing happened and I was back at the main listing of Requests.  So, I entered the Request ID...

so I could pull the request up again to Edit the title and voila...

So, can someone tell me HOW this might have happened?  There are only two people who have delete permission...of course I am one of them but still.  I never clicked DELETE.  THIS makes me nervous and really makes me question using this tool at all.  Help?

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