request does not fall under your permitted scope. so you are not authorized to update the same manage engine service desk plus

request does not fall under your permitted scope. so you are not authorized to update the same manage engine service desk plus

just a quick note to inform you about the problem which i face regarding to below scenario

group 1 : technician x (is owner) and some other technicians are member of this group
group 2 : technician x (is owner) and some other technicians are member of this group
other groups 

I have 2 support group that owner of the both group is one person. the person is the member of the both group too.
the role of the owner (technician X) is  All in group & assigned to him[Requests and Changes only]
i have other support groups that i do not want  the Technician X see their requests.
with this role when Technician x assign a request to one of the group members with out any changes . just change technician to some one else in group 1 or 2. in some of the cases he is not able to see request anymore and he receive the error :
request does not fall under your permitted scope. so you are not authorized to update the same manage engine service desk plus.
what should i do?
i do not whats to change the role to All requests. 
how can i fix this problem.

Thank you in advance.

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