I'am trying to get conversations related to requests using the below query but the latest date is 29-03-2023 any idea why ?
select c.workorderid "Request ID",
cond.conversationid "Conversation ID",
'Incoming' "Conversation type",
DATEADD(s,datediff(s,getutcdate(),getdate())+(c.createdtime/1000),'01-01-1970') " Sent on",
aau.first_name "From",
cr.recipient_email "To",
c.title "Subject"
from conversationdescription cond
left join conversation c on cond.conversationid=c.conversationid
left join SDUser sdu on c.requesterid=sdu.userid
left join AaaUser aau on sdu.userid=aau.user_id
left join ConversationRecipients cr on cond.ConversationID=cr.ConversationID
left join conversationattachment ca on c.conversationid=ca.conversationid
left join sdeskattachment sd on ca.attachmentid=sd.attachmentid